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Sunday 18 September 2016

Pond is filling already

The clay lining seems to be holding in the pond area and the new pipework doing its job perfectly. Fingers crossed for the start of a natural pond and solid dam over the course of the winter.
Feeding has started at the Hedgery with the fallen Oak providing the perfect perch to leave feed on.
Simon has been busy in the outdoor gym clearing the rest of the fallen limbs and starting to work through the Rhodies back towards the wayleave. I've been away on a weekend trip to Glastonbury and so haven't been much help, but judging by his photos, the place looks very different now and light will at last reach the woodland floor in the northern areas along the path.

Sunday 11 September 2016

Finally finished the kitchen worktop

Using 3 of the remaining clay sausages we finally finished the kitchen worktop all the way along on the left side of the fridge today - looks great and hopefully should make rainy days in the Yard Arm a little more spacious.
The existing shelves were moved to a more accessible position for the vertically-challenged amongst us and new shelves went up to store more utensils off ground.
The final set of clay sausages were used to line the pond where the new dam is well underway again with two new pipes being bedded in and some shorter up-stands attached to start filling again in preparation for the Autumn rains.

Saturday 10 September 2016

Who knew I would grow to bear carpentry!

Arrived to see some upsetting storm damage at the top of the wood. One of the twin oaks had dropped a couple of major limbs a few yards from the Hedgery. Not good and created a fair amount of work to clear, but it did provide me with some much needed twisted oak branches for my "tree of life" project at home.
Armed with loppers, a saw and a few nerves, Simon and I managed to clear enough fallen wood to free the poor Birch that was trapped underneath. It's lost the top third, but there is a good chance the bottom will survive. A very lucky Birch and will probably need a name.
Toggle closures on the inside for security
Hive windows made from old fencing

Once the oak was made safe, we started on the task we came for.... installing the hive shutters to provide both security and independent easy access for photography from any of the 4 windows. Very impressed with the end result - a bit of faffing getting the right hinges, mounted in the right place to allow them to be worked easily when alone, but all in all I think they look awesome and will certainly keep the weather out when not in use.