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Sunday, 17 May 2015

Make your own flat-pack furniture

Wow - two glorious weekends in a row - this doesn't bode well for bank holiday weekend - we can't possibly get three in a row.. .can we?  It will be our first Rais group camp of the year and we are almost ready - The wood is looking truly magnificent (slightly biased of course) but the spring flowers have way exceeded my expectations and even the Rhodies are opening up their massive purple flowers making me almost forgive their rampant domination.
This weekend's task was supposed to be re-making the washing up stand (hindsight is such a wonderful thing - NOT!). Now that I have realised my mistakes and better learnt how to carve angled joints in round wood, I had every intention of spending a full day on it on Saturday. However, things didn't quite go to plan - I got up on time, made some venison burgers to take with us, nipped to B&Q for guttering fixings for "Trap Number 2" and a sharpening stone, then returned and stupidly upset the cat - ended up in A&E having my lip sewn back together! We got to spend just a few hours at the wood in the afternoon, relaxing and bark peeling instead.  So I didn't actually start on the washing up stand until this morning...
I drew a picture of it to start with and numbered every piece, then took the whole thing apart to re-do the joints. And after working on it from 830am for most of the day, I really think it's going to work this time (my fingers and thumbs are barely working anymore though) -  I am now waiting until the glue sets so I can put the top back together without needing 8 pairs of hands. I also added another couple of cross-braces which should help with the sturdiness.
My face is slightly swollen today and the stitches are in an awkward position making eating and drinking pretty tricky (not to mention painful) but hopefully the stitches will be taken out on Thursday in time for the big bank camp. Co-incidentally this Thursday is also the one year anniversary of our ownership of the wood so I had a look through some of the original photos I took on the first visit and thought I'd have a go at replicating some of them to create the start of a before and after book. So looking forward to seeing the gang round the campfire in a few days and sleeping 3 consecutive nights in my bivvy bag. Fingers crossed for a dry weekend.