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Saturday, 3 March 2018

Saturday 3rd March 2018

Last week saw the "Beast from the East" over Britain and the cold weather left a good covering of snow at Rais. But Saturday looked warmer, slightly, and dry so as we're away for the next three weekends I headed up for some fresh air and to chop some rohdies!
There was still a fair amount of snow on the track down when I got there and I was a bit nervous about getting out again but decided that a combination of traction control and snow socks should do the trick and headed down anyway

There were plenty of tracks in the snow, mainly pheasant but deer too and the birds were definitely pleased to see me, gathering up on the trees as I topped up the feeders, one robin couldn't wait and was on the feeder before I had finished pouring out the seeds!

Once the birds were fed I carried on clearing up the stream bank, trying to focus on the more difficult footing so Tracey could work on the easier areas, while the snow melted around me, and made good progress up towards the spider stump in the stream bed

I have noticed that the owl box has been occupied for at least the last three weeks and finally remembered to take the GoPro to check it out. I was quite optimistic as there were quite a few white feathers on the ground near the oak but to my disappointment all I found was another well occupied squirrels dray! I was a bit cold and slippery to get the ladder out on Saturday so Helen came up with me for half an hour on Sunday morning and I got up and evicted the squirrels. I suspect it's now a bit late for the owls to use it this year, but we will see.