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Sunday 22 July 2018

Sunday 22nd July

I'm almost getting bored of reporting that it was hot and sunny at Rais again this weekend. Almost, but not quite!

Another sunny Sunday, with the temperature pushing 30 degrees meant I had no plans to do any digging this weekend, but when I got there I found Ant hard at work up by the top shed digging out rohie roots. It's cooler under the trees up there and the horse flies have largely found somewhere else to be but it was still a hot day and hard work. The trees up there are making the most of the extra light now the rohdies are gone though, and it is really "greening up" with new growth visible all around. He stuck at it until about 2, bending his pickax in the process, and then, after a catch up, headed off.

My main task for the day was to clear out Immac and try and try to make it a bit less attractive for the mice who have been making themselves at home in there. It was not a very pleasant job, even my limited sense of smell could tell it was pretty whiffy in there and there were a lot of droppings and seeds scattered everywhere. I found two nests, one in the netting by the window and one under the seats and disturbed one very annoyed mouse who hid under the seats when I saw him but managed to make himself scarce by the time I got to cleaning that section.

After a couple of hours the shed was tidy again, the food was all in metal boxes (except the barley that they have so far shown no interest in, and all of the attractive nesting materials were put away to make them harder to get at. I had a look round to see where they were getting in and added a few pieces to the shutters to dissuade them from that route and put a patch of hardwood over the hole in the door, it's ugly but hopefully will slow them down.

I had brought some pieces from the crates our patio slabs came in to see if they would work as "sides" on the wood store, I think they probably will so that will be a future job.

After lunch I added chicken wire to another plank on the yardarm deck, only two to go now, and then got the strimmer out. the grass and other greenery is growing slowly as there has been no rain, but it is still growing and a couple of the paths and steps were not navigable so I went round and cleared them to end the day.