I opened up the Hive and put some food out for the birds and then had a wander round, I disturbed a male pheasant over by my tent and a large stag complete with antlers on the other side of the stream but apart from that did not see anything of note other than to notice that the leaves really are falling now. I could hardly hear myself think from the noise of the chainsaw next door though so the neighbors were busy.
The wasps nest in the stream bank looks nearly abandoned now, the entrance is covered by leaves and there was only a very occasional wasp looking to get in. The proximity of the Hive to the nest obviously makes it an attractive hibernation spot though as there were wasps tucked up on all of the windows as I opened them up,
and several flying around and trying to find a spot as I was sat there. I must have asked at least 10 of them to find another spot by the time I left! so I suspect there will be a few more taking the free spots there by the weekend.
I sat for a while with the camera ready, but although I could hear them nearby, today the birds were not hungry, I think I need to put food out up there more regularly. The closest I got to seeing one was a robin up in the trees, but he was gone before I could get a shot and apart from that the only shot I got was of the empty feeder.
Despite the lack of action it was nice to get out for an hour and shut work out.