The clocks going forwards, and the corresponding lighter evenings, means it's feasible to go to Rais for an hour after work and I wanted a big final push this week to cut back some of the lower regrowth where nothing is likely to be nesting. So after work on Thursday I went up and and cut back along the stream bank by the shower. I made good progress but found, once again, that the shower platform is really slippery - ouch
Saturday looked the best day, weather wise, for the weekend and Helen came up to help as well. What a difference a week makes, Spring has definitely arrived. The leaves are unfurling, the birds were singing, the primroses are all now flowering and it was warm and dry. t-shirt weather for working.
After feeding the birds and a wander round we started to cut back the last section for now, the gully behind the yardarm. I had thought it was a fairly small job, and hour at most for two of use but there was a lot more than I thought, and an
awful lot of brambles
which, added to quite difficult footing meant it was lunchtime and we were both covered in bramble scratches before we got it all chopped. Now we just had to drag it all to the fire!
We discovered a well established and very rambling Rose and various small trees in the process
I had a revelation during lunch and to save some effort we had a fire in the camp, probably my most successful ever fire! and burned two decent piles. We were a bit tight on time so rather than burn we dragged the rest to a place we can get it on a wheelbarrow easily to transport to the main fire site. A hard but rewarding day.