It was the hottest week of the year, and the hottest April for 70 years, and I'm in Brazil in the Autumn where it was cloudy and damp, typical!
A dry hot week has made a huge difference at Rais, Spring is in full stream, the Bluebells are coming out all over the wood,
and the primroses are still in full bloom.
The trees are unfurling their leaves,
green is sprouting everywhere and excitingly the oak saplings are starting to leaf.
The strange buzzing by the green man tree had stopped though, so hopefully no wasps nests lurking!
Helen and I spent the day on Sunday to try and clear the pile of cut rohdies we left last week. Ant was there too, still digging stumps up by the top shed.
It was sunny and much hotter than the forecast had suggested but we moved everything to the fire that we needed to and dug up at least half of the stumps in the new clearing.
More digging next week and some trips to the fire will complete the clearance. I still can't believe how much space was hidden behind those rohdies. It was a hot day and the days objective was met so we called it a day about 3