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Saturday, 12 April 2014

Not for bedtime reading!

Dug this out from my collection and started reading again last night.... what a mistake that was - I read until 1am and then couldn't sleep until at least 4am - mind racing with ideas and questions - the next 5 weeks simply cannot go fast enough. The Captain understandably feels that visiting Rais again before we own it would feel like trespassing - and when I think about it, the owner has one last month with it, and should probably be left in peace to enjoy it - I know I would if I was in his position. But perhaps one last quick trip with the camera tomorrow will be ok. It won't be long before the leaves will open and shade the woodland floor, changing the lighting and the entire feel of the place. I called the sales agent, Bob, again yesterday to check that there was nothing they were waiting on me for and he confirmed that no it was just waiting for the vendors solicitor to send his paperwork to ours. So today I decided that to take my mind off the wait I would tidy up my own garden at home. I managed to mow the lawn, trim the edges, turn the compost, weed a couple of beds and replant my stonecrop basket which I lined with fresh moss from under the apple tree - which is showing an abundance of deep pink flowers. Spring is most definitely in the air. I think I will setup the infra-red motion camera this evening to see what visits the garden tonight (but mainly to practise for when I can use it at Rais!).